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Table 7

Results following analysis of the CDS, rRNA and tRNA regions (36 in total) with the specific associated identities between the two mitochondrial genomes.

Name Type Start (codon) Stop (codon) Length DNA Identity
atp6 CDS 3658 (ATG) 4173 (TAA) 516 76.94%
Cob CDS 899 (ATG) 1993 (TAA) 1095 81.70%
cox1 CDS 6926 (ATG) > 8527 (*) > 1602 88.30%
cox2 CDS 10357 (ATG) 10932 (TAA) 576 88.19%
cox3 CDS 182 (ATG) 828 (TAA) 657 80.53%
nad1 CDS 5267 (ATG) 6160 (TAA) 894 84.79%
nad2 CDS 4183 (ATG) 5054 (TAA) 872 84.52%
nad3 CDS 6445 (ATG) 6789 (TAA) 345 81.40%
nad4 CDS 2220 (ATG) 3467 (TAG) 1248 78.30%
nad4L CDS 1993 (ATG) 2253 (TAG) 261 84.29%
nad5 CDS 12021 (ATG) 13586 (TAG) 1566 76.40%
nad6 CDS 11010 (ATG) 11465 (TAA) 456 79.17%
rrnL rRNA rRNA 8563 9559 997 87.80%
rrnS rRNA rRNA 9702 10343 642 87.30%
trnA tRNA 5123 5193 71 81.69%
trnC tRNA tRNA 9560 9623 64 75.00%
trnD tRNA tRNA 5200 5265 66 87.88%
trnE tRNA tRNA 10938 11004 67 75.00%
trnF tRNA tRNA 3529 3589 61 86.15%
trnG tRNA tRNA 117 179 63 87.69%
trnH tRNA tRNA 829 894 66 89.71%
trnI tRNA tRNA 6300 6362 63 92.19%
trnK tRNA tRNA 6376 6440 65 84.62%
trnL (CUN) tRNA tRNA 11804 11865 62 84.62%
trnL (UUR) tRNA tRNA 11874 11937 64 83.08%
trnM tRNA tRNA 3586 3653 68 90.00%
trnN tRNA tRNA 6169 6232 64 91.04%
trnP tRNA tRNA 6239 6300 62 89.23%
trnQ tRNA tRNA 3470 3538 69 93.65%
trnR tRNA tRNA 11956 12015 60 80.00%
trnS (AGN) tRNA tRNA 6798 6856 59 81.67%
trnS (UCN) tRNA tRNA 11740 11799 60 90.32%
trnT tRNA tRNA 8528 8589 62 87.30%
trnV tRNA tRNA 5055 5117 63 92.42%
trnW tRNA tRNA 6860 6920 61 87.30%
trnY tRNA tRNA 11473 11538 66 89.39%

stop codon not determined.

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