Issue |
Volume 30, 2023
Article Number | 34 | |
Number of page(s) | 12 | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 15 September 2023 |
Supplementary materials
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Supplementary Figure 1:
Determination of X-linkage for locus Gb70. PCR products were migrated on 4% agarose gel stained with ethidium bromide. The first five samples are males, the last five females. Template DNA of positive control (+) was derived from 1 female sample. M: FastRuler Low Range DNA Ladder (ThermoFisher) with band size top to bottom are 1 500, 850, 400 and 200 bp. |
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Supplementary Figure 2:
FST values with p-values for subdivision of 10 loci across all samples. Dots indicate mean values, dashes show lower and upper limits calculated with the following formula: Li = FST – StdErr × t and Ls = FST + StdErr × t. Dashes for All loci are the 95% confidence intervals as obtained by jackknife resampling over populations for each locus and by 10,000 bootstraps over loci for the average. |
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Supplementary Figure 3:
Correlation between FIS and FST and between FIS and the number of blanks. (A) Correlation between FIS and FST for 10 loci across all samples. (B) Correlation between FIS and number of blanks for all loci across all samples. (C) Correlation between FIS and number of blanks for 4 selected loci (Gb66 [Nb: 1], Gb 5 [Nb: 2], Gb73 [Nb: 5] and Gb35 [Nb: 10]) across all samples. |
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Supplementary Figure 4:
Wright’s FIS values p-values for panmixia (A) and FST values with p-values for subdivision (B) of nine selected loci across all samples. Dots indicate mean values, dashes show lower and upper limits calculated with the following formula: Li = FXY – StdErr × t and Ls = FXY + StdErr × t. Dashes for All loci are the 95% confidence intervals as obtained by jackknife resampling over populations for each locus and by 10,000 bootstraps over loci for the average. |
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Supplementary Figure 5:
Correlation between FIS and FST and between FIS and the number of blanks. (A) Correlation between FIS and FST for selected 9 loci across all samples. (B) Correlation between FIS and number of blanks for selected nine loci across all samples. C: Correlation between FIS and number of blanks for four selected loci (Gb5 [Nb: 0], Gb66 [Nb: 1], Gb73 [Nb: 3] and Gb35 [Nb:6]) across all samples. |
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Supplementary Figure 6:
Wright’s FIS values p-values for panmixia (A) and FST values with p-values for subdivision (B) of nine selected loci across field samples only. Dots indicate mean values, dashes show lower and upper limits calculated with the following formula: Li = FXY – StdErr × t and Ls = FXY + StdErr × t. Dashes for All loci are the 95% confidence intervals as obtained by jackknife resampling over populations for each locus and by 10,000 bootstraps over loci for the average. |
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Supplementary Figure 7:
Correlation between FIS and FST (A) and between FIS and number of blanks (B) for selected nine loci across field samples. |
Supplementary File 1: RMarkdown for statistics in R of the manuscript “Development and characterization of microsatellite markers for the tsetse species Glossina brevipalpis and preliminary population genetics analyses”. Access here
Supplementary Table 1: Selected primers for Glossina brevipalpis microsatellite that produce PCR product length of 180–300 nucleotides with minimum 13 repeat of each motif. Access here
Supplementary Table 2: List of genotypes (alleles) per locus for tsetse fly Glossina brevipalpis. Dye-labelled PCR were analysed by fragment analyser and the resulting data were read with Genemapper. Access here
© F. Gstöottenmayer et al., published by EDP Sciences, 2023
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