Open Access
Volume 30, 2023
Article Number 28
Number of page(s) 17
Published online 06 July 2023

Supplementary materials

Supplementary data 1: Infection with encysted metacercariae reporting data of the different infected samples, according to fish areas: (1) caudal fin, (2) 2nd dorsal fin, (3) 1st dorsal fin, (4) pectoral fin, (5) pelvic fin, (6) anal fin, (7) dorsofrontal area, (8) ventrofrontal area, (9) dorsoposterior area, (10) ventroposterior area, (11) opercula, and (12) eye. Bold letters indicate cases in which the average numbers of observed black spots are the 5th highest of each fish species (R: right side, L: left side).

Supplementary data 2: Summary of BLAST analysis results on the cox1 gene and ITS region of rDNA sequences; *: number of sequences from parasites isolated in the present study.

Supplementary data 3: Haplotype network groups of C. lingua for cox1 and ITS and their number of sequences.

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© M. Duflot et al., published by EDP Sciences, 2023

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