Open Access

Table 3

Anti-Cryptosporidium efficacy of different western medications in human clinical and host models.

Therapeutic drug Experimental paradigm Research type Reference Types of treatment Efficacy
Clinical cure
Parasitological cure
Degree of diarrhea Change in weight Infection intensity Oocyst shedding
Nitazoxanide AIDS patients CT [52] Therapeutic + + +
Non-immunodeficient patients CT [157] Therapeutic + + +
HIV-negative child patients CT [15] Therapeutic ±
goat neonates IVS [176] Prophylactic NR +
Nitazoxanide-octaarginine HCT-8 cells IVE [144] Therapeutic NR +
Nitazoxanide-secnidazole Swiss albino mice IVS [126] Therapeutic NR +
Clofazimine-nitazoxanide Swiss albino mice IVS [58] Therapeutic NR +
Clofazimine HIV-infected patients CT [203] Therapeutic NR
Severely immunocompromised HIV patients CT [93] Therapeutic NR
Paromomycin Patients with AIDS CT [184] Therapeutic + NR +
AIDS patients (CD4 cell < or = 150/mm) CT [85] Therapeutic ± NR ±
BALB/c mice IVS [18] Therapeutic NR +
C57BL/6 mice IVS [122] Therapeutic NR +
Paromomycin sulfate (HCT-8 and Caco-2) cells IVE [128] Therapeutic NR +
Azithromycin Immunocompromised children CT [12] Therapeutic + +
Mefloquine Swiss albino mice IVS [57] Therapeutic/Prophylactic NR +

Note: “CT” indicates clinical trial; “IVS” indicates in vivo studies; “IVE” indicates in vitro experiments; “NR” denotes no reported; “+” denotes significant improvement; “−” denotes no significant improvement; “±” denotes moderate improvement.

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