Open Access

Table 1

Detailed information on representatives of Acanthocephala included in the present phylogeny.

Taxon Order Family Species Accession Size (bp) AT% References
 Rotifera Bdelloidea Philodinidae Rotaria rotatoria NC_013568 15,319 73.2 [37]
Philodina citrina FR856884 14,003 77.7 [60]
 Archiacanthocephala Moniliformida Moniliformidae Moniliformis sp. OK415026 14,066 66.2 [9]
Moniliformis tupaia OP413683 14,150 63.8 Unpublished
Oligacanthorhynchida Oligacanthorhynchidae Macracanthorhynchus hirudinaceus NC_019808 14,282 65.2 [60]
Oncicola luehei NC_016754 14,281 60.2 [16]
 Eoacanthocephala Gyracanthocephala Quadrigyridae Acanthogyrus cheni KX108947 13,695 65.3 [56]
Acanthogyrus bilaspurensis MT476589 13,360 59.3 [44]
Pallisentis celatus NC_022921 13,855 61.5 [47]
Neoechinorhynchida Neoechinorhynchidae Neoechinorhynchus violentum KC415004 13,393 59.4 [46]
Neoechinorhynchus qinghaiensis MW851291 13,271 65.8 Unpublished
Acanthocephalus sp. (Neoechinorhynchus sp.) MT345686 13,269 65.1 Unpublished
Tenuisentidae Paratenuisentis ambiguus NC_019807 13,574 66.9 [60]
 Palaeacanthocephala Echinorhynchida Arhythmacanthidae Heterosentis pseudobagri OP278658 13,742 62.5 [11]
Cavisomidae Cavisoma magnum MN562586 13,594 63.0 [41]
Echinorhynchidae Echinorhynchus truttae NC_019805 13,659 63.1 [60]
Heteracanthocephalidae Aspersentis megarhynchus PP965112 14,661 64.6 Present study
llliosentidae Brentisentis yangtzensis MK651258 13,864 68.3 [57]
Pomphorhynchidae Longicollum sp. OR215045 14,632 55.8 Unpublished
Pomphorhynchus bulbocolli JQ824371 13,915 59.9 Unpublished
Pomphorhynchus laevis MN562482 13,881 57.5 Unpublished
Pomphorhynchus rocci JQ824373 13,845 60.7 Unpublished
Pomphorhynchus tereticollis JQ809452 13,890 56.8 Unpublished
Pomphorhynchus zhoushanensis MN602447 14,632 55.8 Unpublished
Pseudoacanthocephalidae Pseudoacanthocephalus bufonis MZ958236 14,056 58.4 [63]
Pseudoacanthocephalus sp. OQ588705 14,883 61.5 Unpublished
Rhadinorhynchidae Micracanthorhynchina dakusuiensis OP131911 16,309 56.8 [10]
Leptorhynchoides thecatus NC_006892 13,888 71.4 [58]
Polymorphida Centrorhynchidae Centrorhynchus clitorideus MT113355 15,884 55.5 [43]
Centrorhynchus milvus MK922344 14,314 54.5 [40]
Centrorhynchus aluconis KT592357 15,144 54.5 [18]
Sphaerirostris lanceoides MT476588 13,478 58.0 [42]
Sphaerirostris picae MK471355 15,170 58.1 [39]
Polymorphidae Polymorphus minutus MN646175 14,149 64.4 [53]
Southwellina hispida NC_026516 14,742 63.9 [17]
Bolbosoma balaenae MZ357084 14,301 62.6 [14]
Bolbosoma capitatum MZ357085 14,319 63.9 [14]
Bolbosoma vasculosum MZ357087 14,313 63.9 [14]
Bolbosoma nipponicum OR468096 14,296 60.9 [33]
Corynosoma villosum OR468095 14,241 61.0 [33]
Plagiorhynchidae Plagiorhynchus transversus NC_029767 15,477 61.1 [18]
Polyacanthocephala Polyacanthorhynchida Polyacanthorhynchidae Polyacanthorhynchus caballeroi NC_029766 13,956 56.3 [18]

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