Open Access

Table 4

Measurements of Derogenes ruber Lühe, 1900 and Derogenes minor Looss, 1901. M., Mediterranean. L., length. W., width. R., ratio.

Species D. ruber D. ruber D. ruber D. minor Derogenes cf. minor
Host Trigla lyra Ch. lastoviza as T. lineata Ch. lastoviza as T. lineata Labrus merula Lophius piscatorius
Habitat Gall-bladder Gall-bladder Intestine Intestine Intestine Intestine Intestine
Locality Off Split, Croatia, Western M Off Split, Croatia, Western M Off Trieste, Italy, Central M Trieste, Italy, Central M Trieste, Italy, Central M Trieste, Italy, Central M
Number of specimens 2 2 2 12 1 1 1
Source [74] [47] Present study [45] Paratype, Present study Present study Present study
Body L 4200–4500 5000–6000 7869 Max 2000 2022 2412
Body W 1300–1800 2000 1847 460 477 787 675
Forebody 3765 × 1714 983 × 500 813 × 720 1200 × 631
Hindbody 2750 × 959 706 × 366 – × 655 836 × 500
Pre-oral lobe 88 22 53
Oral sucker 505 × 505 600* 655 × 708 220* 222 × 207 318 × 281 226 × 250
Ventral sucker 950–1290 750* 1257 × 1230 330* 349 × 321 432 × 398 358 × 391
Pharynx 168 200 254 × 275 90* 91 × 96
Seminal vesicle 291 × 134 119 × 32 79 × 106
Pars prostatica
Right testis 252 × 168 271 × 353 136 × 101 90 × 105
Left testis 196 × 140 256 × 280 115 × 88 79 × 106
Sinus - organ 97 × 92
Ovary 252 × 252 129 × 107 148 × 177
Right vitelline mass 440 × 420 450 546 × 658 204 × 109 252 × 156 256 × 176
Left vitelline mass 470 × 440 550 × 446 180 × 103 262 × 255 298 × 190
Eggs 623 × 23 56–36 62 × 39 60 × 38 58 × 39 59 × 36 60 × 40


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