Open Access

Table 2

Diagnosis of alveolar echinococcosis (AE) in patients with solid organ transplantation.

Serology (ND: not done)
ID Em2+ Em2 EgHF IHA (titers) Western blota MRIc
1 Negative Negative Positive ND Positive for AEb Several nodular lesions with T2 hyper signal. Imaging not typical for AE. Serologies were performed due to a high suspicion.
2 ND ND ND ND Positive for AEb Multiple confluent cystic lesions. Imaging not typical for AE. Abscess-like appearance.
3 Positive ND Positive ND Positive bands 7 + 26 − 28 Centimetric hepatic lesion in T2 hypersignal, with several microcysts.
4 Positive ND Positive Positive (1:640) Positive bands 7 + 26 − 28 Lesions atypical for AE. Tumor-like appearance
5 Negative ND Positive ND Positive bands 16 + 26 − 28 MRCP: 2.6 cm lesion of the head of the pancreas in T2 hypersignal. Suspicion of pancreatic cancer
Liver MRI: three centimetric lesions with peripheral microcysts
6 ND ND Positive Positive (1:320) Positive bands 7 + 26 − 28 Liver MRI only showed cysts (patient with ADPKD)
7 ND ND ND Positive (1:1280) Positive bands 7 + 26 − 28 Centimetric T2 lesion with a metastatic appearance
8 Positive ND Positive Negative (<1:40) Positive bands 7, 16, 18, 26 − 28 Voluminous 8.5 cm lesion, with several infra-centimetric peripheral lesions. Tumoral appearance.

Bands at 7 and 26–28 kDa are specific for Echinococcus, bands at 16 and 18 kDa are specific for Echinococcus multilocularis [23].


The molecular weights of the positive bands were not reported.


Descriptions and conclusion from the radiology reports, when available. MRI: Magnetic Resonance Imaging; MRCP: Magnetic Resonance Chlolangio-Pancreatography. ADPKD: Autosomal Dominant Poly- cystic Kidney Disease.

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