Open Access

Table 1.

Prevalence of Dirofilaria immitis infection in dogs in China.

Localities Year of samplingA No. tested Positive (%) MethodB Reference
Taipei 1998–1999 664 89 (13.4) ELISA [6]
Taiwan 1993–1997 2065 803 (38.9) Necropsy and microscopic examination [22]
Heilongjiang 1996–2004 178 2 (1.1) Necropsy [21]
Changchun <2007 62 32 (51.6) ELISA and microscopic examination [8]
Guizhou <2010 300 15 (5.0) Immunochromatographic strip [7]
Dandong 2003–2010 886 213 (24.0) PCR and microscopic examination [9]
Kunming 2010–2011 30 2 (6.7) ELISA [20]
Chongqing 2010–2011 30 3 (10.0) ELISA [20]
Nanchang 2010–2011 30 3 (10.0) ELISA [20]
Fuzhou 2010–2011 50 6 (12.0) ELISA [20]
Guangzhou 2010–2011 60 9 (15.0) ELISA [20]
Shenzhen 2010–2011 80 15 (18.8) ELISA [20]
Nanning 2010–2011 30 4 (13.3) ELISA [20]
Shenyang 2009–2012 528 67 (12.7) ELISA [13]

Years of sampling are listed as published in the references. In cases where this information was not available, the year listed here is the year when the study was published, as indicated by “<”.


ELISA: enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay; PCR: polymerase chain reaction.

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