The new Impact Factor of Parasite (September 2014)
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- Published on 29 September 2014
What is the reason for this?
Simply because the Impact Factor is calculated two to three years after papers are published. What we see now with the “2013 Impact Factor” (published in 2014) are the results for citations of papers published in 2011 and 2012. See Table:
Year | Impact Factor | Published | Basis of Impact Factor |
IF 2012 | 1.116 | June 2013 | Citations in 2012 of papers published in 2010 and 2011 (Print edition) |
IF 2013 | 0.822 | July 2014 | Citations in 2013 of papers published in 2011 and 2012 (Print edition) |
IF 2014 | 2015 | Citations in 2014 of papers published in 2012 and 2013 (50% print edition, 50% new online edition) | |
IF 2015 | 2016 | Citations in 2015 of papers published in 2013 and 2014 (100% new online edition) |
Red: new online edition of Parasite.
What does this mean for Parasite?
In 2012, the French Society of Parasitology, owner of Parasite, decided to change the publisher (now EDPS), to nominate a new Editorial Board, and to replace the former print version with a new open-access online-only edition. Does the new lower Impact Factor mean that these were not the right choices? Certainly not. The new IF shows that we were right in making all these changes, because what we see now with the lower IF is the consequence of the failure of the print edition in 2011 and 2012.
Is the IF likely to improve?
We have evidence that papers in the new online edition are already cited more than their equivalents in the former print edition. As of 15 September 2014, three papers published in 2013 have already scored respectively 7, 5 and 4 citations in ISI, and many have been cited more than once (i.e. they already provide an Impact Factor higher than 1). However, in 2015 the Impact Factor will still bear the weight of the last year of the print version (see Table).
Is Parasite a better journal than before?
We believe so, and we are striving to achieve more. Papers in Parasite are immediately indexed in PubMed, often the same day they are published. All papers are available from the website of the journal and from PubMed Central and Europe PubMed Central. Several papers have been viewed more than 1,000 times. All papers are subject to a strict peer-review process, and our rejection rate is about 50%. More than 100 new manuscripts have already been submitted this year (September 2014), by scientists from all over the world.
Thank you to all our authors and reviewers. We work to honour the aim of Parasite: “An international open-access, peer-reviewed, online journal publishing high quality papers on all aspects of human and animal parasitology”.
A review of Cutaneous Leishmaniasis in North Africa, by Karim Aoun and Aida Bouratbine (Institut Pasteur, Tunis, Tunisia)
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- Published on 14 March 2014
In North African countries, cutaneous leishmaniasis transmission has been increasing since the 80s, with a significant increase in the incidence of cases and a spread of the geographical distribution. Cutaneous leishmaniasis currently represents a major public health problem with a productivity gap and an impediment for development, which results in dramatic socioeconomic and psycho-sanitary impacts. The review includes a map of the occurrence of the three Leishmania species involved in Algeria, Libya, Morocco, Tunisia and Egypt.
The review is in English with English, French and Arabic abstracts. As Parasite is an open-access journal under a Creative Commons licence, the text and the figures can be freely re-used, provided that the source is correctly cited.
Cutaneous Leishmaniasis in North Africa: a review
Karim Aoun and Aïda Bouratbine
Special issue: CAPARA (January 2014)
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- Published on 17 January 2014
Parasite will soon publish a selection of the best papers coming from both "the 7th International Conference on the Novel Approaches (NA) to the Control of Helminth" and from the joint special session of COST Action CAPARA ("Goat-Parasite Interactions: From Knowledge To Control") dedicated to caprine production :
New, improved Impact Factor for 2012 (June 2013)
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- Published on 25 June 2013
The new, improved, Impact Factor for Parasite is 1.116.
Note that this new Impact factor was computed from citations in 2012 and thus does not take into account the changes of Parasite in 2013 (new publisher, new website, new editorial board, open-access).
New Editorial Board for Parasite (Feb. 2013)
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- Published on 12 February 2013
The new Editorial Board for Parasite is available here.
RSS feed available (Jan. 2013)
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- Published on 05 November 2010
RSS (Really Simple Syndication) is a XML-based format dedicated to website syndication. RSS allows readers to get new titles delivered directly to their desktops, using either the Internet browser or a RSS Reader.
EDP Sciences now provides RSS feeds of the latest articles published online by journal, including title, authors and links to relevant abstract and full-text version.
RSS feed: Parasite recents articles
Register for free e-mail alert (Jan. 2013)
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- Published on 05 November 2010
To register for our free e-mail alert service, create your EDPS account and follow the link e-mail Alerts.