Open Access

Table 2

Prevalence and genotypes of E. bieneusi in pet dogs in Yunnan Province.

City/autonomous prefecture Sampling sites (N, E)b Examined no. Positive no. (%) Genotype (n)
Known Novel
Chuxiong Yi Chuxiong (25.03°N, 101.55°E) 11 0
Baoshan Longyang (25.12°N, 99.17°E) 10 1 (10.0) D (1)b
Dali Bai Heqing (26.55°N, 100.18°E) 5 1 (20.0) EbpC (1)b
Jianchuan (26.54°N, 99.91°E) 54 3 (5.6) D (2)b YND-JC50 (1)
Diqing Tibetan Deqin (28.47°N, 98.92°E) 51 0
Shangri-La (27.82°N, 99.71°E) 100 5(5.0) EbpC (5)b
Kunming Shilin (24.81°N, 103.30°E) 54 0
Lijiang Gucheng (26.88°N, 100.23°E) 25 2 (8.0) EbpC (1)b YND-GC17 (1)
Yulong (26.83°N, 100.24°E) 25 3 (12.0) EbpC (1)b YND-YL12 (1), YND-YL24 (1)
Nujiang Lisu Lushui (25.98°N, 98.82°E) 204 6 (2.9) EbpC (2)b, D (2)b, Peru8 (1)b YND-LS10 (1)
Zhaotong Zhaoyang (27.33°N, 103.72°E) 50 8 (16.0) EbpC (1)b, Henan-III (1)b YND-ZY12 (1), YND-ZY13 (1), YND-ZY15 (1), YND-ZY21 (1), YND-ZY36 (1), YND-ZY42 (1)
Total 589 29 (4.9) EbpC (11)b, D (5)b, Peru8 (1)b, Henan-III (1)b YND-GC17 (1), YND-JC50 (1), YND-LS10 (1), YND-YL12 (1), YND-YL24 (1), YND-ZY12 (1), YND-ZY13 (1), YND-ZY15 (1), YND-ZY21 (1), YND-ZY36 (1), YND-ZY42 (1)

N and E indicate north latitude and east longitude, respectively.


E. bieneusi genotypes identified in humans.

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