Open Access

Table 2

Repellent effect of dusts on the two bed bug colonies.

Percentage repellency (%) Interpretation
Colony 1 (%) Colony 2 (%)
Silicon dioxide −72% −45% Not repellent
Diatomaceous earth pest management company (DE-pro) −74% −58% Not repellent
Diatomaceous earth litter conditioner (DE-pet) −63% −33% Not repellent
Diatomaceous earth supermarket insect control (DE-hom) −98% −80% Not repellent
Sommières earth −84% −36% Not repellent
Green clay −86% −73% Not repellent
Talc −81% −56% Not repellent
Sodium bicarbonate −94% −70% Not repellent
Control (DEET) 100% 100% Repellent

Percentage repellency was calculated according to the following formula: [(Nc−Nd)/(Nt)] × 100; Nc = total number of bed bugs in a dust-free area; Nd = total number of bed bugs on a dusted area, Nt = total number of bed bugs.

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