Table 2
Measurements of Cichlidogyrus spp. Paperna, 1960 and Scutogyrus longicornis (Paperna & Thurston, 1969) collected from Oreochromis niloticus (Linnaeus, 1758) and Coptodon rendalli (Boulenger, 1897) (Cichlidae) in a river spring in Brazil. Measurements are represented in μm as the average, the range in parentheses, and the count in brackets.
Species | C. papernastrema | C. tilapiae | C. mbirizei | C. thurstonae | S. longicornis |
Host | C. rendalli | O. niloticus | O. niloticus | O. niloticus | O. niloticus |
Number of specimens | n = 5 | n = 10 | n = 4 | n = 8 | n = 1 |
Total body length | 671.2 (495–888) [5] | 485.5 (404–557) [10] | 567.8 (520–647) [4] | 504.4 (315–590) [8] | 1238 (1238) [1] |
Ventral anchor† | |||||
Total length | 32.2 (26–35) [10] | 30.5 (28–37) [20] | 43.5 (41–45) [8] | 31.2 (30–33) [14] | 34 (34) [2] |
Blade length | 27 (26–29) [10] | 25.8 (23–30) [20] | 39 (36–44) [8] | 25.9 (24–27) [14] | 33 (33) [2] |
Shaft length | 9.6 (6–12) [10] | 5.7 (5–6) [20] | 9.1 (8–11) [8] | 8.9 (8–10) [14] | 5 (5) [2] |
Guard length | 12.5 (11–14) [10] | 13.8 (10–16) [20] | 15.9 (15–17) [8] | 13.9 (12–16) [14] | 15.5 (14–15) [2] |
Point length | 10 (7–13) [10] | 11.8 (10–13) [20] | 17.1 (17–18) [8] | 12.5 (12–14) [13] | 16 (16) [2] |
Dorsal anchor† | |||||
Total length | 38.4 (34–42) [10] | 37.7 (36–40) [20] | 42.3 (39–45) [7] | 26.1 (25–29) [14] | 31.5 (31–32) [2] |
Blade length | 22.9 (21–25) [10] | 25.3 (23–29) [20] | 34.9 (31–40) [7] | 20.5 (20–22) [14] | 29.5 (28–31) [2] |
Shaft length | 8.4 (7–10) [10] | 4.9 (4–6) [20] | 8.6 (8–9) [7] [7] | 8.3 (6–10) [14] | 8.5 (8–9) [2] |
Guard length | 17.8 (15–20) [10] | 18 (16–20) [20] | 16.1 (15–18) [7] | 12.3 (11–14) [14] | 14 (14) [2] |
Point length | 8.6 (7–11) [10] | 10 (8–11) [20] | 14.6 (13–16) [7] | 9.7 (8–14) [14] | 10 (10) [2] |
Ventral bar | |||||
Branch length | 45.5 (39–52) [4] | 38 (31–46) [10] | 45.8 (42–50) [4] | 39.1 (28–45) [8] | 58 (58) [1] |
Maximum width | 6.3 (5–7) [4] | 7 (6–8) [10] | 7.3 (6–8) [4] | 5.9 (5–7) [8] | 6 (6) [1] |
Dorsal bar | |||||
Total length | 42.8 (35–49) [5] | 38.8 (31–48) [10] | 50.5 (43–58) [4] | 54.6 (44–61) [8] | 53 (53) [1] |
Maximum width | 6 (5–8) [5] | 7.7 (5–9) [10] | 9 (8–10) [4] | 6 (4–7) [8] | 9 (9) [1] |
Distance between auricles | 18.6 (16–22) [5] | 12 (10–15) [10] | 24 (22–26) [4] | 16.5 (13–20) [8] | 28 (28) [1] |
Auricle length† | 14.4 (13–16) [10] | 20.2 (15–25) [20] | 18.6 (16–22) [8] | 17.8 (15–25) [16] | 62.5 (62–63) [2] |
Hook† | |||||
Length, I | 32.2 (29–37) [10] | 15.4 (14–16) [20] | 15.1 (13–16) [8] | 17.1 (15–19) [14] | 20 (20) [2] |
Length, II | 11.6 (10–15) [9] | 11.1 (10–12) [16] | 12.8 (11–14) [8] | 13.8 (13–14) [8] | 11 (11) [2] |
Length, III | 24.8 (23–27) [10] | 17.9 (15–20) [20] | 18.4 (16–22) [8] | 44.8 (41–51) [12] | 36.5 (36–37) [2] |
Length, IV | 24.3 (21–28) [10] | 20.3 (18–22) [20] | 22.8 (18–25) [8] | 45.4 (43–50) [10] | 34 (34) [2] |
Length, V | 22.1 (19–25) [10] | 16.5 (15–18) [20] | 18.5 (17–19) [8] | 46.2 (40–50) [12] | 35 (35) [2] |
Length, VI | 21.3 (20–22) [8] | 17 (14–19) [14] | 25.4 (23–28) [8] | 45 (38–51) [10] | 35.7 (35–36) [2] |
Length, VII | 16.1 (14–18) [8] | 17.8 (14–23) [19] | 26.8 (22–28) [8] | 45.8 (40–50) [12] | 35 (35) [2] |
MCO | |||||
Penis length | 34.5 (30–38) [4] | – | 177.3 (146–200) [4] | 41.4 (37–49) [7] | 50 (50) [1] |
Length of accessory piece | 30.5 (24–41) [4] | 33.7 (29–38) [6] | 55.5 (50–59) [4] | 41.1 (37–43) [7] | 34 (34) [1] |
Heel length | 3 (2–4) [3] | – | 12.8 (10–15) [4] | 5.7 (5–7) [7] | 8 (8) [1] |
Vagina | |||||
Vaginal length | – | – | – | 22.7 (20–26) [7] | 32 (32) [1] |
Vaginal width | – | – | – | 5.9 (5–7) [7] | 5 (5) [1] |
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