Open Access

Table 2

Measurements of three Dactylogyrus spp. ex Barbonymus schwanenfeldii from the present study compared with values given in the original species descriptions. Min–max, (mean, number of measurements).

Species Dactylogyrus lampam
Dactylogyrus tapienensis
Dactylogyrus viticulus
Lim and Furtado, 1986
Present study
Chinabut and Lim 1993
Present study
Chinabut and Lim 1993
Present study
Country Malaysia Thailand, Sri Lanka Thailand Thailand Thailand Thailand
ATL 30–34 (32) 26–30.3 (27.3; 14) 46–62 (59) 52.5–64.8 (58.3; 15) 57–65 (60) 55.2–67 (61.1; 15)
ASL 25–28 (27) 20–25.2 (21.9; 14) 38–46 (42) 38.8–49.3 (42.6; 15) 40–43 (41) 38.8–48.5 (44; 15)
APL 8–10 (8) 6–8.5 (7.4; 14) 12–19 (17) 16.3–20.1 (18.4; 15) 20–24 (20) 19.5–25.5 (21.7; 15)
AIRL 8–10 (8) 7.5–8.9 (8.3; 14) 14–26 (21) 16.5–22.5 (20; 15) 22–25 (23) 18.8–25.3 (22; 15)
AORL 1–2 (2) 1.7–3.2 (2.4; 14) 4–10 (7) 4.7–7.5 (6.2; 15) 4–7 (6) 3.1–5.6 (4.4; 15)
DBW 24–27 (25) 18.2–22.4 (19.7; 11) 24–26 (25) 20–24.4 (22.5; 15) 16–20 (18) 15.2–20.7 (17.5; 15)
VBW 22–25 (23) 16.7–19.9 (18.3; 14)
VBWL 8.5–11.5 (9.6; 14)
VBMPL 2–4.1 (2.8; 14)
LMCO 19–22 (21) 14.5–18.3 (16.5; 14) 64–90 (86) 83–93.4 (89; 15) 42–46 (44) 43.5–50.7 (45; 15)
HL 16–26 25 (23–28) 32–38 (35)
I 15.4–17.8 (16.7; 12) 16.3–18.6 (17.5; 13) 26.5–31.5 (28.2; 12)
II 18.3–21.1 (19.3; 12) 18.9–21.2 (20.1; 13) 26.3–34.4 (30.1; 12)
III 19.8–22.5 (21.5; 12) 21–22.6 (21.7; 12) 28.5–35.9 (30.9; 13)
IV 22.3–26.2 (24.5; 12) 22.1–25 (23.3; 13) 29.3–35.4 (31.4; 13)
V 15.6–17.8 (17.1; 12) 16.8–18.3 (17.7; 9) 26.2–33.8 (28.5; 11)
VI 20.1–22.6 (21.4; 12) 20.8–22.9 (21.9; 13) 27.9–34.5 (29.8; 13)
VII   20–23 (21.8; 12)   21–23.3 (22.1; 13)   28.5–34.6 (30.9; 13)

ATL – anchor total length, ASL – anchor shaft length, APL – anchor point length, AIRL – anchor inner root length, AOLR – anchor outer root length, DBW – dorsal bar width, VBW – ventral bar width, VBWL – ventral bar wing length, VBMPL – ventral bar middle process length, LMCO – length of male copulatory organ, HL – hooklets length.

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