Open Access

Table 3

Prevalence and species/genotype distribution of Cryptosporidium in chickens worldwide.

Country No. positive/No. examined (%) Species/genotypes of Cryptosporidium (n) References
Algeria 31/90 (34.0) C. meleagridis (26); C. baileyi (5) [16]
23/150 (15.3) C. baileyi (12); C. meleagridis (11) [17]
Bangladesh 31/197 (15.7) C. baileyi (17); C. meleagridis (12); C. parvum (2). [18]
Brazil 24/190 (12.6) C. baileyi (18); C. meleagridis (1); C. parvum (4); Cryptosporidium sp. (1) [19]
20/130 (15.4) C. meleagridis (15); C. baileyi (4); Mix (1) [20]
91/351 (25.6)a C. meleagridis (57); C. baileyi (15); C. parvum (3); C. genotype BrPR1 (3) [21]
China 5/206 (2.4) C. baileyi (5) [10]
179/2015 (8.9) C. meleagridis (3); C. baileyi (176) [11]
38/385 (9.9) C. baileyi (33); C. meleagridis (2); Avian genotype II (3) [12]
11/829 (1.3) C. baileyi (5); C. meleagridis (2); C. galli (2); C. xiaoi-like genotype (2) [13]
48/471 (10.2) C. meleagridis (15); C. baileyi (33) [14]
132/1001 (13.2) C. meleagridis (78); C. baileyi (48) [22]
Côte d’Ivoire 5/31 (16.1) C. meleagridis (4); C. parvum (1) [23]
Germany 18/256 (7.0) C. parvum (13); C. baileyi (2); C. avian genotypes VII, VIII, IX (one each) [24]
Iran 7/1000 (0.7) C. baileyi (7) [25]
8/100 (8.0) C. baileyi (6); C. parvum (2) [26]
Jordan 1/21 (4.8) C. baileyi (1) [27]
Kenya 25 (7.8)a C. andersoni (2); C. meleagridis (4); C. parvum (3); C. ubiquitum (1) [28]
Sweden 12/16 (75.0)a C. meleagridis (6); C. baileyi (1); C. galli (3) [9]
Syria 11/111 (9.9) C. baileyi (9); Unknown genotype (2)b [30]
Tunisia 9/200 (4.5)a C. meleagridis (1) [31]

The numbers of species are not consistent with the numbers of positives in some countries because not all isolates were genotyped successfully for Brazil, Kenya, Sweden and Tunisia.


Two samples showed unknown profiles in comparison to species.

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