Table 2

In vivo anthelmintic activity against gastrointestinal nematode infections using different types of spent coffee ground (SCG) mixed within the feed of goats and sheep. The condensed tannin content of each extract (catechin equivalent) is also included, as well as the confirmation of the role of polyphenols in the in vivo activity using polyethylene glycol.

Varieties of Mexican Coffea arabica Animal species Gastrointestinal nematode infection Condensed tannin content of SCG Inclusion level of SCG Activity Confirmed role of polyphenols Reference
Garat® Goats Natural mixed infection 2.69% 15% 25% EPG reduction Not tested [58]
30% of Concentrate 27% EPG reduction (non-significant)
Garat® Goats FMVZ-UADY 5.84% 40% of concentrate 69% EPG reduction* PEG [86]
51% fecundity reduction
Starbucks® CS Sheep FESC-UNAM 19.6% 10% of diet 25% EPG reduction* PEG [28]
Starbucks® SG 26% fecundity reduction*
Starbucks® CS Sheep Paraiso 19.6% 10% of diet No EPG reduction PEG [85]
Starbucks® SG

Significant at p < 0.05.

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