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Figure 6


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General body shapes of diclidophorid monogeneans from isopods, fish buccal cavity and fish gills. Group 1, specimens from parasitic isopods. Group 2, specimens from parasitic isopods and/or mouth. Group 3: specimens from gills. A–D, G–K, Cyclocotyla bellones. E, F, Diclidophora merlangi. L, Allodiclidophora squillarum. M, Choricotyle smaris. N, Neoheterobothrium affine. O, Choricotyle elongata. P, Choricotyle chrysophryi. Q, Echinopelma neomaenis. R, Choricotyle hysteroncha. S, Choricotyle multaetesticulae. T, Hargicotyle louisianensis. U, Choricotyle labracis. V, Orbocotyle prionoti. The arrows point to the anterior stem found only in species that are parasitic on isopods.

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