Open Access

Table 1

IgG cut-off values recommended by the manufacturers.

Assays/system Technique WHO IS Negative Gray zone Positive
Elecsys/Cobas 8000 ECLIA recombinants SAG1 (P30) 3rd sera (TOXM) <1 1 ≤ x < 30 ≥30
Architect/i2000 CMIA recombinants SAG1 (P30) GR8 1st IgG (01/600) <1.6 1.6 ≤ x < 3 ≥3
Platelia/Evolis ELISA inactivated T. gondii 3rd sera (TOXM) 6 6 ≤ x < 9 ≥9
Access II/Access CLIA inactivated T. gondii 3rd sera (TOXM) <7.5 7.5 ≤ x < 10.5 ≥10.5
TGS TA/IDS-iSYS CLIA purified T. gondii Unknown <1.5 ≥1.5
Vidas II/Mini Vidas ELFA inactivated T. gondii 2nd sera (TOXS) <4 4 ≤ x < 8 ≥8
Liaison II/Liaison XL CLIA inactivated T. gondii 2nd sera (TOXS) <7.2 7.2 ≤ x < 8.8 ≥8.8
LDBio II WB P30 P31 P33 P40 P45 NA <3 bands or no 30 kDa band ≥3 bands including the 30 kDa band

WHO IS, World Health Organization International Standard; NA, not available.

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