Open Access

Table 1

Description of the sampling stations in our study area and number of Aedes albopictus wings analyzed by station for the geometric morphometric analysis.

Altitude group District Coordinates
Altitude (m) Biotope Number of wings by gender
North East Total
A1 Tirana 41.34705 19.85103 158 Urban area 25 10 35
A2 Priske, Tirana 41.31072 19.93309 595 Rural area 5 20 25
A3 Dajt, Tirana 41.32607 19.93374 762 Forest 44 70 114
A4 Dajt, Tirana 41.36240 19.91402 1099 Forest 37 18 55
A5 Dajt, Tirana 41.36663 19.91371 1140 Forest 0 39 39
Total 111 157 268

♀, female; ♂, male.

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