Open Access

Table 1

Overview of Rickia sequences used in this study. All isolates for which sequences were generated are listed, with GenBank accession numbers as well as host species, country, and year of collection.

Isolate Species ITS 28S Host Country Year
ADK6272a R. wasmannii MK500050 MK500050 Myrmica sabuleti Belgium 2015
ADK6274c R. wasmannii MK500051 Myrmica sabuleti Belgium 2015
DE_Rak4 R. wasmannii KT800050 KT800021 Myrmica scabrinodis Hungary 2014
Bükkszentkereszt2016 R. wasmannii MK500052 Myrmica scabrinodis Hungary 2016
Újléta2014 R. wasmannii MK500053 MK490857 Myrmica scabrinodis Hungary 2014
Újléta2015-4 R. wasmannii MK500054 Myrmica scabrinodis Hungary 2015
Wien2015-1 R. wasmannii MK500055 MK490858 Myrmica rubra Austria 2015
D. Haelew. 1234a R. wasmannii MH040595 MH040595 Myrmica sabuleti Netherlands 2013
Wien2016-1 R. wasmannii MK500056 Myrmica rubra Austria 2016
Wiensabuleti2016-1 R. wasmannii MK500057 Myrmica sabuleti Austria 2016
SR1s R. pachyiuli MH040593 MH040593 Pachyiulus hungaricus Serbia 2015
SR8s R. pachyiuli MK500058 MK500058 Pachyiulus hungaricus Serbia 2015
SR13s R. pachyiuli MK500059 MK500059 Pachyiulus hungaricus Serbia 2015
SR4s R. laboulbenioides MH040592 MH040592 Cylindroiulus punctatus Denmark 2015
SR5s R. laboulbenioides MK500060 MK500060 Cylindroiulus punctatus Denmark 2015
SR12s R. uncigeri MK500061 MK500061 Unciger foetidus Denmark 2015

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