Open Access

Table 2

Molecular identification of processed cercariae.

Cercarial reference Cercarial identification Genbank accession numbers obtained in the present study (in red) and homologies with those extracted from Genbank (in black). In grey, no molecular identification.
Trichobilharzia anseri
MK168701 100% with FJ93861
MK168683 100% with FJ469785
MK168665 99% with FJ469785
LFDR1 Diplostomum pseudospathaceum MK168711 99% with KR269766 MK168684 100% with KR269766 MK168668 99% with KR269766
LFDR3 MK168712 99% with KR269766 MK168685 100% with KR269766 MK168669 99% with KR269766

MK168713 99% with KR269766
MK168686 100% with KR269766
MK168670 99% with KR269766
LFZE1 Tylodelphys sp. MK168714 no homology MK168689 99% with KY462834 MK168673 99% with Tylodelphys clavata JQ665459
LFZE2 MK168715 no homology MK168690 99% with KY462834 MK168674 99% with Tylodelphys clavata JQ665459

MK168716 no homology
MK168691 99% with KY462834
MK168675 99% with Tylodelphys clavata JQ665459
LFJO1 Australapatemon sp. MK168709 99% with Australapatemon burti MF398342 MK168687 98% with Australapatemon burti JX9777785 MK168671 99% with KY570947
LFJO2 MK168710 99% with Australapatemon burti MF398342 MK168688 98% with Australapatemon burti JX9777785 MK168672 99% with KY570946
LFDC42 MK168703 99% with Australapatemon burti MF398342 MK168666 99% with KY570947
LFDC48 MK168724 99% with Australapatemon burti MF398342 MK168667 99% with KY570947

MK168735 99% with Australapatemon burti MF398342
MK500246 99% with KY570947
LFDC43 Cotylurus sp. MK168704 99% with Cotylurus cornutus KY513182
LFDC88 MK168726 99% with Cotylurus cornutus KY513182
LFDC89 MK168736 99% with Cotylurus cornutus KY51318
LFDC90 MK168738 99% with Cotylurus cornutus KY513182

MK168739 99% with Cotylurus cornutus KY513182

Posthodiplostomum sp.
MK168734 no homology

MK500245 99% with Posthodiplostomum cuticola MF171001
LFDC96 Parastrigea sp. MK168740 98% with Apharyngostrigea cornu MF398345 MK500247 99% with Parastrigea robusta MF537208
LFDC37 Alaria alata MK168699 100% with JF340222
LFDC39 MK168745 100% with AF184263 MK168700 100% with JF340222
LFDC40 MK168746 100% with AF184263
LFDC41 MK168702 100% with AF184263
LFDC44 MK168705 100% with AF184263
LFDC45 MK168706 100% with AF184263
LFDC53 MK168707 100% with AF184263
LFDC54 MK168708 100% with AF184263
LFDC64 MK168729 100% with JF340217
LFDC68 MK168737 100% with JF340217
LFDC72 MK168725 100% with JF340217
LFDC73 MK168728 100% with JF340217
LFDC97 MK168741 100% with JF340217
LFDC98 MK168742 100% with JF340217
LFDC99 MK168743 100% with JF340217
LFDC100 MK168730 100% with JF340217
LFDC101 MK168731 100% with JF340217
LFDC102 MK168732 100% with JF340217

MK168733 100% with JF340217

ECDC16 Echinoparyphium sp MK168717 99% with Echinoparyphium ellisi KY436410

MK168744 99% with Echinoparyphium ellisi KY436410

ECJO1 Echinostoma revolutum MK168720 100% with KP065596 MK168694 99% with AY68930 MK168678 99% with KM20150
ECJO2 MK168727 100% with KP065596 MK168695 99% with AY68930 MK168679 99% with KM20150

MK168721 100% with KP065596
MK168696 99% with AY68930
MK168680 99% with KM20150
ECDR1 Petasiger phalacrocoracis MK168718 100% with JQ425593 MK168692 100% with JQ425593 MK168676 99% with KJ720683

MK168719 100% with JQ425593
MK168693 100% with JQ425593
MK168677 99% with KJ720683
XIDR2 Plagiorchis sp MK168722 99% with KF533392 MK168697 no homology MK168681 99% with JX522536
XIDR3 MK168723 99% with KF533392 MK168698 no homology MK168682 100% with JX522536

FO: ocellated pigmented furcocercariae, LF: furcocercariae with or not eyes spots, EC: cercariae of Echinostomidae, XI: Xiphidiocercariae, DR: Der-Chantecocq lake, DC: National Domain of Chambord, ZE: Zebulle Park Chevenon, JO, Jouaignes.

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