Open Access

Table 2.

Univariate analysis of the variables associated with T. gondii seroprevalence in donkeys in Shandong province, eastern China tested by IHA.

Variable Category No. tested Prevalence (%) OR 95% CI P-value
Breed Dezhou donkey 623 17.98 Reference
Sanfen donkey 354 13.56 0.72 0.50–1.03 0.073
Wutou donkey 301 17.61 0.98 0.68–1.40 0.891
Age (yr) Age ≤ 1 274 17.52 Reference
1 < Age ≤ 3 400 18.50 1.07 0.72–1.60 0.745
3 < Age ≤ 5 347 16.14 0.91 0.59–1.38 0.648
Age > 5 257 14.01 0.77 0.48–1.23 0.268
Region Jining 404 16.58 Reference
Liaocheng 498 17.47 1.07 0.75–1.51 0.725
Heze 376 15.96 0.96 0.65–1.40 0.813
Gender Male 702 14.81 Reference
Female 576 19.10 1.36 1.01–1.82 0.041
Feeding habits Farm 1079 14.27 Reference
Backyard 199 30.15 2.59 1.83–3.67 <0.001
Total 1278 16.75

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