Figure S3.
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rEgTPx expression and Dot-blot analysis of the purified mouse anti-rEgTPx serum. A, Agarose gel electrophoresis image of the PCR-amplified EgTPx gene. Lane1: DNA Marker/DL2 000 (Takara, Otsu, Japan); Lane2: EgTPx was successfully amplified; Lane3: Without template as native control. B, SDS-PAGE analysis of rEgTPx. M: Protein markers; Lane 1: Purified rEgTPx protein. C, Dot-blot analysis of the EgTPx antiserum before purification. D, Dot-blot analysis of the EgTPx antiserum after purification; lanes 1, 2 and 3 show the one-third serial dilutions of purified rEgTPx (upper) and the lysates of bacterial cells transformed with the pET-28a expression vector expressing the His tag (lower).
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