Open Access

Table 2

Measurements of proboscis hooks and roots of Cavisoma magnum from Mugil cephalus in the Arabian Gulf.

  Hook length Hook thickness at base Root length

Hook no. Males Females Males Females Males Females
1 95-107 (100)* 95-115 (107) 17-30 (24) 20-40 (27) 47-55 (51)** 49-60 (53)
2 110-120 (116) 115-127 (121) 27-42 (34) 27-46 (37) 65-100 (77) 70-110 (88)
3 115-127 (116) 120-132 (126) 30-55 (46) 39-50 (43) 80-112 (93) 80-110 (96)
4 125-127 (126) 130-146 (134) 40-47 (43) 45-52 (51) 87-120 (100) 95-120 (105)
5 124-125 (124) 117-135 (129) 30-40 (35) 40-52 (45) 80-87 (83) 95-114 (100)
6 112-120 (117) 112-138 (122) 20-30 (25) 32-42 (38) 62-75 (70) 75-97 (89)
7 97-117 (109) 107-130 (119) 17-20 (19) 20-27 (25) ***
8 87-112 (105) 92-125 (109) 15-20 (17) 22-30 (23)
9 75-107 (93) 87-114 (99) 15-17 (15) 20-22 (21)
10 67-92 (85) 77-104 (91) 12-15 (13) 15-22 (18)

Range (mean) in μm in 4 males and 4 females.


Anterior hook root with anterior manubrium about as long as root oriented laterally.


Roots of posterior 4 hooks are abbreviated but have long anterior manubria.

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