Open Access
Table 1
A comparison of morphometric accounts of Cavisoma magnum.
Southwell, 1927 [18] | Arthur et al., 1995 [2] | This paper | |
Males | N=20 males & females | N=15 | N=17 |
Trunk L x W | up to 36.00 × 1.00 | 19.42-51.36 (35.37) x 0.73-1.53 (1.25)* | 29.25-48.75 (39.20) x 1.02-1.35 (1.18) |
Neck L x W | – | 0.25-0.40 (0.31) x 0.46-0.50 (0.48) | 0.26-0.52 (0.42) x 0.42-0.55 (0.51) |
Proboscis L x W (0.36) | 1.10 × 0.45 | 0.91-1.05 (0.97) x 0.33-0.48 (0.39) | 1.02-1.27 (1.13) x 0.32-0.45 (0.36) |
Hooks | |||
Long. rows x hooks/row | 12 × 8-10 | 12-13 × 9-10 | 12-13 (12.6) x 9-11 (10) |
Longest & basal/hooks | ca 110 & 70 μm | 105-125 (116) & 70-90 (80) μm | 125-127 (126) & 67-92 (85) |
Receptacle L x W | 2.60 x − | 1.23-3.09 (2.60) x 0.34-0.52 (0.44) | 2.37-3.55 (3.00) x 0.26-0.50 (0.39) |
Lemnisci L x W | shorter than proboscis | 1.46-4.05 (12.60) x 0.25-0.58 (0.37) | 1.66-3.75 (2.75) x 0.09-0.27 (0.17) |
Ant. testis L x W | 1.17 × 0.10 | 0.70-2.53 (1.42) x 0.25-2.09 (0.56) | 1.12-1.87 (1.35) x 0.30-0.52 (0.40) |
Post. Testis L x W | 1.03 × 0.10 | 0.60-1.49 (1.04) x 0.24-0.94 (0.51) | 0.75-1.62 (1.02) x 0.30 × 0.55 (0.44) |
Cement gland L x W | 3.25 x − | 1.52-4.49 (2.99) x 0.06-0.27 (0.17) | 1.70-4.62 (2.79) x 0.06-0.25 (0.16) |
Saefftigens pouch L x W | – | 1.28-2.85 (2.16) x 0.39-0.98 (0.62) | 1.37-2.37 (2.02) x 0.45-0.57 (0.50) anteriorly |
(0.32) posteriorly | |||
Females | N=20 males & females | N=16 | N=18 |
Trunk L x W | up to 70.00 × 1.50 | 10.67-48.93 (30.21) x 0.54-1.89 (1.11) | 37.00-66.25 (50.95) x 0.95-1.75 (1.36) |
Neck L x W | – | 0.19-0.44 (0.25) x 0.43-0.57 (0.50) | 0.31-0.57 (0.45) x 0.42-0.73(0.58) |
Proboscis L x W | 1.10 × 0.45 | 0.79-1.08 (0.95) x 0.32-0.43 (0.37) | 1.04-1.25 (1.14) x 0.34-0.43 (0.38) |
Hooks | |||
Long. rows x hooks/row | 12 × 8-10 | 12 × 8-9 | 12-13 (12.3) x 10 |
Longest & basal hook | 110 & 70 μm | 105-130 (115) & 65-95 (80) μm | 130-146 (134) & 77-104 (91) |
Receptacle L x W | 2.60 x − | 1.57-3.21 (2.30) x 0.23-0.63 (0.42) | 2.42-3.55 (3.12) x 0.34-0.50 (0.44) |
Lemnisci L x W | shorter than proboscis | 1.58-4.14 (2.72) x 0.13-0.44 (0.25) | 2.62-3.87 (3.28) x 0.16-0.37 (0.25) |
Reproductive syst. L | – | – | 5.82-5.87 (5.85) |
Eggs L x W | up to 120-130 × 22 μm | 103-121 (113) x 15-20 (17) μm | 100-120 (106) x 11-21 (15) |
Hosts | Ctenochaetus strigosus serranus sp | Chanos chanos | Mugil cephalus |
Locality | Indian Ocean off southern India and Sri Lanka | Basilian Strait, Philippines | Arabian Gulf off Iraq |
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