Open Access

Table 3

Prevalence and genotype distribution of Enterocytozoon bieneusi in natural infection of deer species worldwide.

Deer species No. positive / No. examined (%) Genotype (n)
Group 1
 Other Groups b Reference
Hog deer (Axis porcinus) 3/4 (75.0) BEB6 (2); CHS9(1) [17]
Père David's deer (Elaphurus davidianus) 16/47 (34.0) Type IV (4); EbpC (4); EbpA (4) BEB6 (2); COS-I (1); COS-II (1) [34]
Reindeer (Rangifer tarandus) 21/125 (16.8) CHN-RD1(12); CHN-RD2(1); CHN-RD3(1); CHN-RD4(1); Peru6 (6) [19]
Red deer (Cervus elaphus) 1/5 (20.0) HLJD-V (1) [37]
1/4 (25.0) BEB6 (1) [17]
8/104 (7.7) HLJD-VI (1) BEB6 (7) This study
Sika deer (Cervus nippon) 28/86 (32.6) HLJD-II (1); HLJD-III (1); HLJ-IV (1) BEB6 (20); HLJD-I (1); HLJD-V (4) [37]
  2/4 (50.0) SCO3 (1) BEB6 (1) [17]
23/326 (7.1) CHN-DC-1 (1); KIN-1 (1); EbpC (1); JLD-2 (2); JLD-3 (1) J (11); BEB6 (4); JLD-1 (2) [33]
Siberian roe deer (Capreolus pygargus) 2/18 (11.1) BEB6 (2) This study
White-tail deer (Odocoileus leucurus) 6/49 (12.2) WL18 (2); WL19 (2) WL4 (2) [10]
26 a/80(32.5) LW1 (1) WL4 (11); I (7); J (1); DeerEb1-DeerEb13 (one each) [26]
Total 137/852 (16.1) HLJD-II (1); HLJD-III (1); HLJ-IV (2); Type IV (4); EbpC (5); EbpA (4); CHN-RD1(12); CHN-RD2(1); CHN-RD3(1); CHN-RD4(1); Peru6 (6); CHN-DC-1 (1); KIN-1 (1); JLD-2 (2); JLD-3 (1); WL18 (2); WL19 (2); LW1 (1); SCO3 (1) CHS9(1); BEB6 (39);HLJD-V (5); HLJD-I (1); COS-I (1); COS-II (1); J (12); JLD-1 (2); WL4 (13); I (7); DeerEb1-DeerEb13 (one each)  

: The numbers of genotypes are not consistent with the numbers of positives in White-tail deer due to mixed genotype infections [26].


: All the genotypes in the fourth column are in Group 2 except WL4 belonging to Group 3.

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