Open Access

Table 3.

Occurrence of cat, fox, dog and unidentified faeces collected in kitchen gardens that yielded positive PCR results for the detection of Echinococcus multilocularis, Toxocara spp. or Toxoplasma gondii DNA as compared to the total number of faeces that yielded PCR results for the given emitter and parasite (i.e. faeces without inhibitors). Percentages are given with their 95% confidence intervals.

E. multilocularis Toxocara spp. Toxoplasma gondii
Cat 6/86 7% (2.6–14.6) 31/93 33.3% (27.0–48.6) 2/125 1.6% (0.1–5.7)
Red fox 24/69 34.8% (23.5–47.6) 8/69 11.6% (5.1–21.6) 0/28 0%
Dog 2/18 11.1% (1.4–34.7) 1/18 5.5% (0.1–27.3) 2/21 9.5% (1.2–30.4)
Unidentified 2/13 15.4% (1.9–45.4) 0/13 0% 1/25 4.0% (0.1–20.3)
Total 34/186 18.3% (13.0–24.6) 40/193 20.7% (15.2–27.1) 5/199 2.5% (0.8–5.7)

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