Open Access

Table 2.

Concordance matrix between faeces identification based on morphological assessment and faeces identification based on molecular analysis (by qPCR). In grey cells: occurrence of faeces per species for which the morphological identification was concordant with the molecular analysis (e.g. 19 out of 23 faeces identified as fox faeces from morphological examination were confirmed in molecular analysis). In other cells: the number and percentage of faeces for which the morphological identification did not correspond with the molecular analysis. Percentages are given with their 95% confidence intervals.

Fox by qPCR Dog by qPCR Cat by qPCR
Fox 19/23 82.6% (61.2–95.0) 0/23 0 4/23 17.4% (4.9–38.8)
Dog 3/19 15.8% (3.4–39.6) 12/19 63.2% (38.3–83.7) 4/19 21.1% (6.0–45.5)
Cat 6/62 9.7% (3.6–19.9) 2/62 3.2% (0.4–11.1) 54/62 87.1% (76.1–94.3)

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