Open Access

Table 1.

GenBank accession numbers and selected sequence position of reference strains.

Brazil I India VII Mauritania I North Korea El Salvador I Iran Bangladesh Pakistan
PvCSP KQ234816 KQ234274 RC KQ235043 KQ235379 NC_009913 KT588207
507011–507850 433184–433925 1478–2193 59919–60852 1537833–1538631
PvMSP1 KQ234802 KQ234252 KQ235032 KQ235335 NC_009912 AF435620
55322–55757 355050–355458 261679–262102 1203–1667 1158314–1158763
PvMSP3A RC KQ234824 RC KQ234312 RC KQ235063 RC KQ235189 RC NC_009915 AF491951 AY266090
1212661–1213729 169568–170643 1214086–1215161 256728–257810 1218991–1220078

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