Open Access

Table 1.

Demographic characteristics of patients with scabies in Taiwan, from 2000 to 2013.

Characteristics Scabies infected cases, n %
No. of cases 14 883 (100.0%)
Age (mean ± SD, years) 52.4 ± 21.0
 20–29 2831 19.0
 30–39 2190 14.7
 40–49 2259 15.2
 50–59 2065 13.9
 60–69 1537 10.3
 ≥70 4001 26.9
 Female 7026 47.2
 Male 7857 52.8
Comorbidity disease*
 Chronic pulmonary disease 3054 20.5
 Diabetes 2396 16.1
 Hypertension 4905 33.0
 Peptic ulcer disease 2502 16.8
 Mild liver disease 1113 7.5
 Congestive heart failure 808 5.4
 Rheumatologic disease 667 4.5
 Cerebrovascular disease 2773 18.6
 Malignancy 572 3.8
 Parkinson disease 808 5.4
 Tuberculosis 522 3.5
 Chronic kidney disease 223 1.5
 Liver cirrhosis 1294 8.7
 Hyperlipidemia 901 6.1
 Heart disease 3672 24.7
 Anemia 1169 7.9
 Epilepsy 420 2.8
Insured amount (NTD)
 <20,000 4385 29.5
 20,000–40,000 7656 51.4
 40,000–60,000 2012 13.5
 ≧60,000 830 5.6
Insured region in Taiwan
 Northern 6569 44.1
 Middle 3374 22.7
 Southern 4363 29.3
 Eastern and outlying islands 577 3.9

Any kind of 17 comorbidities.

NTD = New Taiwan Dollar USD/TWD≒33.

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