Table 1.
Results of qPCR detection of Toxoplasma gondii DNA extracted from the feces of a housebound cat that had antibodies against this parasite and that had ingested a Toxoplasma gondii-infected prey on day 4. One stool analyzed per day. The run numbers are given for each of the three samples analyzed per stool. NA: no T. gondii DNA detected in the sample.
Days before and after ingestion of a T. gondii-infected prey | qPCR result | Run numbers (Ct) |
Day 1 | − | NA/NA/NA |
Day 2 | − | NA/NA/NA |
Day 3 | − | NA/NA/NA |
Day 4: ingestion of an infected prey | − | NA/NA/NA |
Day 5 | + | 35.04/35.19/35.75 |
Day 6 | + | NA/NA/41.20 |
Day 7 | + | NA/NA/39.97 |
Day 8 | − | NA/NA/NA |
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