Open Access

Table 1.

Bed bug surveys sent to Municipal Health and Safety Services (MHSSs) and private Pest Management Companies (PMCs). Data collection methodologies and number of responses to the questionnaire; NA = not applicable.

Number in metropolitan France 208 179*
Call for participants in trade magazines 208 179
Number of responses 68 9
Approached by email NA 3200**
Number of responses NA 0
Contacted by telephone NA 108
Number of telephone responses NA 42
Total responses: 119 68 51

PMCs affiliated with the main PMC association (see Materials and Methods).


This large list of email addresses targets people working in France in the PMCs (several entries can exist for the same company) and other professionals not necessarily involved in bed bug related activities including manufacturers, distributors and end users of biocidal products, such as agribusinesses, mass-market retailing and transport companies.

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