Open Access

Table 2.

Host species and prevalence of identified avian feather mites.

Bird species Feather mite species Family Number of parasitized birds; prevalence (%)*
São Miguel Santa Maria Graciosa
Carduelis carduelis Analges passerinus (Linnaeus, 1758) Analgidae 1
  Proctophyllodes pinnatus (Nitzsch, 1818) Proctophyllodidae 1
Erithacus rubecula Trouessartia rubecula Jablonska, 1968 Trouessartiidae 9; 100% 6; 100% 2
  Proctophyllodes rubeculinus Proctophyllodidae 1; 11.1% 1; 16.7% 2
Fringilla coelebs Monojoubertia microphylla Robin, 1877 Proctophyllodidae 25; 96.2% 14; 100% 61; 98.4%
  Analges passerinus (Linnaeus, 1758) Analgidae 1; 3.9% 0; 0% 3; 4.8%
Motacilla cinera patriciae Trouessartia jedliczkai (Zimmermann, 1894) Trouessartiidae 1
Passer domesticus Proctophyllodes troncatus Robin, 1877 Proctophyllodidae 0 1
Pyrrhula murina Mesalgoides pyrrhulinus Mironov, 1997 Psoroptoididae 6; 33.3%
  Analges macropus Zimmermann, 1894 Analgidae 6; 33.3%
Regulus regulus azoricus Trouessartia reguli Mironov, 1983 Trouessartiidae 6; 100%
  Proctophyllodes reguli Gaud, 1957 Proctophyllodidae 1; 16.7%
Regulus regulus sanctaemariae Trouessartia reguli Mironov, 1983 Trouessartiidae 10; 100%
  Proctophyllodes reguli Gaud, 1957 Proctophyllodidae 9; 90%
Serinus canaria Proctophyllodes serini Atyeo & Braasch, 1966 Proctophyllodidae 17; 89.5% 10; 100%
  Analges passerinus (Linnaeus, 1758) Analgidae 12; 63.2% 1; 10%
  Mesalgoides sp. Psoroptoididae 1; 5.3% 3; 30%
Sylvia atricapilla gularis Trouessartia bifurcata (Trouessat, 1884) Trouessartiidae 10; 90.9% 19; 82.6% 3; 60%
Analges spiniger Giebel, 1841 Analgidae 3; 27.3% 0; 0% 0; 0%
Proctophyllodes sylviae Gaud, 1957 Proctophyllodidae 2; 18.2% 12; 52.2% 3; 60%
Turdus merula azorensis Analges turdinus Mironov, 1985 Analgidae 1; 9.1% 0; 0% 0
  Proctophyllodes weigoldi Vitzthum, 1922 Proctophyllodidae 8; 72.7% 4; 33.3% 1
  Trouessartia incisa Gaud, 1957 Trouessartiidae 9; 81.8% 9; 75% 2

Calculated only when at least five birds of a given species were examined on the given island.

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