Table 1.
Prevalence of parasite eggs and oocysts in 252 goat kids from 27 Danish farms, 2012.
Parasite species | Herd prevalence (95% CI) | Individual prevalence (95% CI) |
Strongyle eggs* | 81.5 (63–92) | 69.0 (63–74) |
Nematodirus battus | 14.8 (6–32) | 3.6 (1–6) |
Other Nematodirus spp. | 37.0 (22–56) | 15.0 (11–20) |
Strongyloides papillosus | 55.6 (37–72) | 13.1 (9–17) |
Trichuris ovis | 63.0 (44–78) | 33.7 (28–40) |
Capillaria longipes | 22.2 (12–41) | 6.0 (3–9) |
Skrjabinema spp. | 18.5 (8–37) | 4.0 (1–6) |
Moniezia expanza | 7.4 (2–23) | 4.4 (2–7) |
Eimeria spp. | 100 (88–100) | 99.6 (99–100) |
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