Open Access

Table 3.

Vector role of Hyalomma scupense in the Maghreb region.

Tick species Transmitted pathogens Hosts Importance Country References
Hyalomma scupense Theileria annulata Cattle +++ MA, DZ, TN [3, 8, 14, 42]
Theileria equi Horses ++ TN [38]
Anaplasma phagocytophilum Mammals + TN [38]
Anaplasma-like1, 2 ? Presence of DNA MA, TN [41]
Babesia bovis 2 Cattle Presence of DNA TN [32]
Ehrlichia-like1, 2 ? Presence of DNA MA, TN [41]
Different species of Hyalomma spp. Ehrlichia bovis Cattle + TN *
Crimean-Congo Haemorrhagic fever virus Humans NA NA [2, 44]
Different Ixodid species Coxiella burnetii Mammals, including humans +++ MR, MA, DZ, TN, LY [2, 27, 31]

MR: Mauritania; MA: Morocco; DZ: Algeria; TN: Tunisia; LY: Libya.

NA: not available.


Sarih et al. [41] were unable to classify these isolates.


Only DNA of this pathogen was isolated without showing the vector role of H. scupense.


Unpublished data from the Laboratory of Parasitology, École Nationale de Médecine Vétérinaire de Sidi Thabet, Tunisia.

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