Open Access

Table 1.

Risk factors associated with Toxoplasma gondii seropositivity in hunted wild boar.

Variables No. positive animals/animal tested (%) p-value
male 34/250 (13.6%) 0.11
female 22/150 (14.7%)
< 1 year 6/101 (0.6%)
1–3 years 26/175 (14.8%) 0.01
> 3 years 24/124 (19.3%)
Hunting district
3 12/100 (12%)
8 15/100 (15%)
9 17/100 (17%) 0.70
10 12/100 (12%)
Sampling year
2009 19/134 (14.2%)
2010 23/163 (14.1%) 0.99
2011 14/103 (13.6%)

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