Open Access

Table 2.

Schedule of the second experiment.

Study Day Event
Day 0 Infest each cat of Group 1 with 100 (±5) C. felis fleas
Put the cats together in the large room
Day 2 (48 h) Introduce the six “receiver” flea-free cats (Group 2)
+1 h Comb and remove fleas from group 2 cats, return the cats to the room
Check the fleas to determine the number of males/females, feeding status and if the females contain eggs
+6 h Comb and remove fleas from group 2 cats, return the cats to the room
Look at the fleas to determine the number of males/females, if they are engorged and if the female contains eggs
+24 h (Day 3) Comb and remove fleas from all cats (group 1 and 2)
Look at the combed fleas to determine the number of males/females, if they are engorged and if the females contain eggs

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