Open Access

Table 1.

Morphometric characters of Pterygodermatites (Mesopectines) quentini n. sp. and the closest species.

Characteristics P. (M.) taterilli Baylis, 1928 P. (M.) ortleppi Quentin, 1969 P. (M.) senegalensis Diouf, Bâ and Marchand, 2000 P. (M.) quentini n. sp. Present work
Male length (mm) 2.7 5.5 9.6 (8.9–11.5) 5.4 (3.1–6.6)
Female length (mm) up to 40* 8.4 26 (24–28) 25 (25–30)
Number of cephalic papillae 8** 8 4 4
Number of precloacal cuticular formations 4 3 1 2
Spicule length (μm) 120/50* 67 100 170/75
Ratio of spicule length/body length 0.044/0.018 0.01 0.01 0.031/0.01
Pairs of caudal papillae 5*** 10 8 10
Number of cuticular armaments in male 63 75 70 (69–72) 59 (58–61)
Number of prevulvar cuticular armaments in female 40–41 41 42 (40–43) 41 (40–42)

According to Baylis (1928), the lengths of the female and the spicules are approximations.


According to Quentin (1969).


According to Baylis (1928), this number might not necessarily reflect the total number of caudal papillae.

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