Open Access

Table 4.

Detection of Ehrlichia canis DNA by PCR in blood samples from individual dogs.

Group Dog no. Day 21 Day 22 Day 23 Day 28 Day 30 Day 35 Day 37 Day 42 Day 49 Day 56
Control CC5 CDA POS POS POS nd nd nd nd nd nd nd
CD2 B63 2 nd1 nd nd nd
E46 0EE nd nd POS POS nd nd nd nd nd
CC4 90E nd nd nd POS POS nd nd nd
CC2 21F nd nd nd nd
9B4 937 POS nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd
Treated group E17 E19
DF5 A66
964 441
CC2 25E
CC4 55E

nd = Not done


negative; POS = positive.

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