Issue |
Volume 8, june 2001
Xth International Conference on Trichinellosis (20-24 august 2000)
Page(s) | S117 - S119 | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 17 September 2014 |
Xth ICT, August 2000
A comparison of antigenic peptides in muscle larvae of several Trichinella species by two-dimensional western-blot analysis with monoclonal antibodies
Departamento de Parasitología,
Departamento de Microbiología II, Facultad de Farmacia, Universidad Complutense, 28040-Madrid, Spain.
Departamento de Microbiología y Parasitología, Facultad de Farmacia, Universidad de Santiago, 15706, Santiago de Compostela, Spain.
* Correspondence : F. Bolas. Tel.: 34-91 394 18 18 - Fax : 34-91-394 18 15. E-mail :
The antigens recognised by mAb US5 specific to 53 kDa glycoprotein (gp 53) in T. spiralis L-1 muscle larvae (TSL1) antigens, mAb US9 specific to gp 53 in TSL1 from all encapsulated species and mAb US4 specific to a tyvelose containing tetrasaccharide present in TSL1, were investigated in crude extracts from muscle larvae of T. spiralis, T. nativa and T. britovi by 2D-electrophoresis and western-blot. At least four proteins of different pI were recognised by mAb US5 on T. spiralis antigens. Recognition profile of mAb US9 on T. spiralis antigens exhibited some variation with regard to that of the US5. Polymorphism was apparent in gp 53. High reactivity was shown by the mAb US4 with the three species.
Key words: Trichinella / 2-D electrophoresis / antigens
© PRINCEPS Editions, Paris, 2001, transferred to Société Française de Parasitologie
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