Issue |
Volume 8, june 2001
Xth International Conference on Trichinellosis (20-24 august 2000)
Page(s) | S100 - S102 | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 16 September 2014 |
Xth ICT, August 2000
Trichinellosis in the Slovak Republic
Parasitological Institute of the Slovak Academy of Sciences, Hlinkova 3, 040 01 Košice, Slovak Republic.
HPL, GmbH, Bratislava, Slovak Republic.
* Correspondence : Pavol Dubinsky. Tel.: + 421 95 633 44 55 - Fax.: +421 95 633 14 14. E-mail :
The occurrence of trichinellosis in farm or wildlife animals in some areas pose the permanent risk of infection in humans. In Slovakia, where only the sylvatic trichinellosis exists, the humans trichinellosis is sporadic. The most common cause of infection is wild boar meat. Unusual local eating customs may also favour an outbreak of disease in humans. The outbreak of trichinellosis in Slovakia in 1998, when 336 people were affected, was of the same kind. Trichinella britovi was the agent of the infection.
Key words: trichinellosis / epidemiology / outbreak / Slovak Republic
© PRINCEPS Editions, Paris, 2001, transferred to Société Française de Parasitologie
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