Issue |
Ann. Parasitol. Hum. Comp.
Volume 58, Number 4, 1983
Page(s) | 403 - 404 | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 13 September 2017 |
Note préliminaire
Enterobius Gregorii (oxyuridae, nematoda), un nouveau parasite humain
Enterobius gregorii (Oxyuridœ, Nematoda), a new human parasite.
Laboratoire de Zoologie (Vers), Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle, 61 rue Buffon, F 75231 Paris Cedex 05, France.
Accepté : 22 Juin 1983
A review of the Oxyurids parasites of Primates shows that most of the species described in the Malagasy Lemurs and in the Old World Monkeys are not single species, but couples of sister-species.
The sister-species of each couple may be differenciated sometimes only by the characteristics of male spicule (less evoluated species), sometimes by other characteristics (cephalic structures, length of oesophagus, etc., in more evoluated species). In the first instance only males can be identified, in the second instance females may also be identified.
In the Human parasites, which are very closely related to those of the Old World Monkeys, two types of spicules were described and we consider that each type belongs to a different species : Enterobius vermicularis (L., 1758) for the larger spicule (100 to 122 ìm), and Enterobius gregorii n. sp. for the shorter spicule (70 to 80 ìm).
© Masson, Paris 1983, transferred to Société Française de Parasitologie
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