Issue |
Ann. Parasitol. Hum. Comp.
Volume 58, Number 4, 1983
Page(s) | 361 - 376 | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 13 September 2017 |
Maseria Vespertilionis n.g., n.sp. (dorylaimina : muspiceidae), a Nematode from Nearctic Bats (Vespertilionidae)
Description de Maseria vespertiUonis n.g., n.sp., Nématode (Dorylaimina : Muspiceidae) parasite de chauves-souris (Vespertilionidae néarctiques.)
Division of Animal Medicine SB-42, School of Medicine, University of Washington, Seattle, Washing-ton 98195, U.S.A.
Accepted: 20 September 1982
Maseria vespertilionis n. g., n. sp. (Dorylaimina : Muspiceidae) is described from nearctic bats (Vespertilionidae). In addition to the type host, Eptesicus fuscus (P. de Beauvois), in Oregon, M. vespertiUonis was recorded from Myotis volans (Allen) in Oregon, and from M. luci-fugus (Le Conte) in Oregon and Alaska. The nematode was found only in subcutaneous tissues near the plantar surface of the rear feet of the host. The genus Maseria is distinguished from other genera in Muspiceidae by various morphological characteristics, among which the presence of a Demanian system is important. The lesions produced in the feet of the host are described, and other biological characteristics of the nematode are discussed.
Ce Nématode a été trouvé dans le tissu sous-cutané des pieds d’Eptesicus fuscus (P. de Beauvois) et de Myotis volans (Allen) d’Oregon et de Myotis lucifugus (Le Conte) d’Oregon et d’Alaska. Maseria n. g. diffère des autres Muspicéides par divers caractères, et en particulier par la présence d’un système de De Man. Les lésions dans les pieds de l’hôte son décrites, et la biologie du Nématode est brièvement discutée.
© Masson, Paris 1983, transferred to Société Française de Parasitologie
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