Issue |
Ann. Parasitol. Hum. Comp.
Volume 52, Number 6, 1977
Page(s) | 647 - 657 | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 21 September 2017 |
Scanning electron microscopy of the cephalic structures of Pneumospiruridae (Thelazioidea - Nematoda) Revision of the family
Etude des structures céphaliques des Pneumospiruridae (Thelazioidea - Nematoda) à l’aide du microscope à balayage. Révision de la famille
1 Laboratory of Helminthology, Institute of Microbiology, The Hebrew University, Hadassah Medical School Jerusalem, Israel.
2 Laboratoire de Zoologie (Vers) associé au C.N.R.S., Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle, 43, rue Cuvier, F 75231, Paris Cedex 05, France.
In a study with the scanning electron microscope (SEM) five different types of cephalic structure were found in five species of Pneumospiruridae recorded in Israel. The description, in the literature, of a sixth type, based on a study with the light microscope, was also considered in evaluating the results. By comparing descriptions and drawings of the known Pneumospiruridae with the SEM micrographs the species in the family were grouped into two genera : 1. Vogeloides Dougherty, 1952 in which the form of the cephalic structures could be correlated with the structure of the oesophagus ; 2. Metathelazia Skinker, 1931 in which the cephalic structures could not be correlated with any other morphological or anatomical character. The species included in the genus Metathelazia were therefore grouped on the basis of the form of cephalic structures in 5 types : booliati, multipapillata, acomysi, capsulata and rodentium.
The genus Pneumospirura Wu and Hu, 1938 is considered a subjective synonym of Metathelazia.
Les cinq espèces de Pneumospiruridae récoltés en Israël ont chacune une structure céphalique particulière. Un 6e type de structure est connu par ailleurs.
Les espèces sont scindées en deux genres : 1. Vogeloides Dougherty, 1952, où il y a corrélation entre la structure céphalique et l’anatomie de l’œsophage ; 2. Metathelazia Skinker, 1931 (= Pneumospirura Wu et Hu, 1938), où Ton ne trouve pas de corrélations entre les structures des différents organes. La création de 5 genres particuliers compliquerait la systématique. Les 13 espèces décrites sont donc simplement réparties en 5 groupes.
© Masson, Paris 1977, transferred to Société Française de Parasitologie
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