WorldLeish, the most important event on leishmaniasis will take place from August 1 - 6 in Cartagena, Colombia

Every four years, leishmaniacs around the world gather in WorldLeish, the most important event in leishmaniasis, to discuss the latest advancements around this Neglected Tropical Disease that affects thousands every year.

In its seventh version, WorldLeish expects the participation of 1200 researchers, health professionals and authorities and students from around the world who will meet to discuss and share the latest advancements in investigation, experiences and success stories around Neglected Tropical Diseases. It also seeks to strengthen alliances between pharmaceutical companies, governments, research and technological centers around a common interest: to be able to control, prevent and find new alternatives for leishmaniasis as a global health issue.

Also, for the first time in the congress history and with the objective to look for synergies, innovation and an integrated approach, we will include other kinetoplastid produced diseases as sleeping illness and Chagas, in which we look for opportunities and to integrate experiences that may lead to the control, elimination, prevention and product development for leishmaniasis.

One of the main objectives of this event is to count with researchers and companies from every continent that may be interested in taking part in the conversation and that are 100% convinced that multidisciplinary work and collaboration are vital to be able to eradicate this Neglected Tropical Disease that affects thousands of people every year.

Attendees can expect a very rich scientific program with the participation of nearly 150 invited speakers from more than 40 countries, in 40 symposiums, 5 round tables, 6 plenary talks and nearly 700 students and researchers who will present the progress of their researches.

To learn more about this event, please visit the website and be part of the conversation.

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