3.000 – Parasite celebrates its 2020 Journal Impact Factor increasing by a full point in one year

We are extremely pleased to announce that Parasite's 2020 Impact Factor has increased again and reached its highest level since the journal was launched in 2013. For the first time, Parasite's impact factor has reached 3.000 increasing from 2.050 last year. It is now ranked 13 in 38 in the category “Parasitology”.

An increase of a full point in one year is indeed testament to the tireless work of Jean-Lou Justine, Editor-in-Chief, and the Editorial Board as well as the invaluable contributions of authors and reviewers. It is well-worth celebrating.

“As an open access journal that has made the effort to enable access to every article published since 1923, we are proud to see that readers appreciate our work, and that a data-driven benchmark measures and reports our progress. Articles published in Parasite are cited, and cited a lot!” Jean-Lou Justine, Editor-in-Chief

Parasite will continue to prioritise the quest for excellence that has enabled its progress in recent years, and to respect its past as a journal dedicated to all aspects of parasitology (1923-1993: Annales de Parasitologie Humaine et Comparée; 1994 to the present day: Parasite). Parasite was recently awarded the DOAJ Seal for “best practice in open access publishing”. It is the journal of the French Society of Parasitology (Société Française de Parasitologie).