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Cited article:

Two new phlebotomine sandfly species (Diptera: Psychodidae) from the Highlands of Madagascar

Fano José Randrianambinintsoa, Vincent Robert, Antoine Blavier, Nicole Léger and Jérôme Depaquit
Acta Tropica 202 105260 (2020)

Two new phlebotomine sandflies (Diptera: Psychodidae) from the forest edge in Madagascar: the anthropophilic Phlebotomus artemievi sp. nov. and Sergentomyia maroantsetra ensis sp. nov.

Fano José Randrianambinintsoa, Jérôme Depaquit, Jean-Philippe Martinet, et al.
Parasitology Research 119 (4) 1177 (2020)

Phlebotomine sandflies (Diptera, Psychodidae) from the Ankarana tsingy of northern Madagascar: inventory and description of new taxa

Antoine Blavier, Laetitia Laroche, Fano José Randrianambinintsoa, et al.
Parasite 26 38 (2019)

Molecular and morphological systematics of the sandfly Sergentomyia (Sintonius) clydei Sinton, 1928 and questions about its record in the Seychelles

J. Depaquit, F.J. Randrianambinintsoa, K. Jaouadi, et al.
Infection, Genetics and Evolution 21 41 (2014)

Paraphyly of the Subgenus Sintonius (Diptera, Psychodidae, Sergentomyia): Status of the Malagasy Species. Creation of a New Subgenus and Description of a New Species

Fano José Randrianambinintsoa, Nicole Léger, Vincent Robert, Jérôme Depaquit and Sudha Chaturvedi
PLoS ONE 9 (6) e98065 (2014)

The sandflies (Diptera: Psychodidae, Phlebotominae) in military camps in northern Afghanistan (2007–2009), as identified by morphology and DNA ‘barcoding’

A Krüger, L Strüven, R J Post and M Faulde
Annals of Tropical Medicine & Parasitology 105 (2) 163 (2011)