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Cited article:

Multi-locus sequence analysis unveils a novel genus of filarial nematodes associated with ticks in French Guiana

Marjorie Bruley and Olivier Duron
Parasite 31 14 (2024)

Detection of Anaplasma and Ehrlichia bacteria in humans, wildlife, and ticks in the Amazon rainforest

Marie Buysse, Rachid Koual, Florian Binetruy, Benoit de Thoisy, Xavier Baudrimont, Stéphane Garnier, Maylis Douine, Christine Chevillon, Frédéric Delsuc, François Catzeflis, Didier Bouchon and Olivier Duron
Nature Communications 15 (1) (2024)

Tick-borne Apicomplexa in wildlife and ticks of French Guiana

Rachid Koual, Benoit de Thoisy, Xavier Baudrimont, Stéphane Garnier, Frédéric Delsuc and Olivier Duron
Parasite 31 49 (2024)