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Seventy years of development of freshwater fish parasitology in China
Ming Li, Wenxiang Li, Weishan Zhao, Weitian Zhou, Xialian Bu, Shangong Wu, Hong Zou and Guitang Wang Aquaculture and Fisheries (2024)
Comparative genomics provides insights into the evolutionary history of the phylum Ciliophora (Eukaryota, Alveolata) and uncovers the adaptive evolution of anaerobic ciliate classes
Ying Zhang, Fasheng Liang, Yu Fu, Yong Chi, Wen Song, Alan Warren and Lifang Li Zoologica Scripta (2024)
Comprehensive phylogenomic analyses reveal that order Armophorida is most closely related to class Armophorea (Protista, Ciliophora)
Incorporating mitogenome sequencing into integrative taxonomy: The multidisciplinary redescription of the ciliate Thuricola similis (Peritrichia, Vaginicolidae) provides new insights into the evolutionary relationships among Oligohymenophorea subclasses
Single-cell transcriptome sequencing of rumen ciliates provides insight into their molecular adaptations to the anaerobic and carbohydrate-rich rumen microenvironment
A Phylogenomic Approach to Clarifying the Relationship of Mesodinium within the Ciliophora: A Case Study in the Complexity of Mixed-Species Transcriptome Analyses
Erica Lasek-Nesselquist, Matthew D Johnson and Rebecca Zufall Genome Biology and Evolution 11(11) 3218 (2019)
Phylogenetic relationship analyses of complicated class Spirotrichea based on transcriptomes from three diverse microbial eukaryotes: Uroleptopsis citrina, Euplotes vannus and Protocruzia tuzeti