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Fresh- and Brackish-Water Cold-Tolerant Species of Southern Europe: Migrants from the Paratethys That Colonized the Arctic
Valentina S. Artamonova, Ivan N. Bolotov, Maxim V. Vinarski and Alexander A. Makhrov Water 13(9) 1161 (2021)
Thallium accumulation in different organisms from karst and lowland rivers of Croatia under wastewater impact
Tatjana Mijošek, Vlatka Filipović Marijić, Zrinka Dragun, et al. Environmental Chemistry 17(2) 201 (2020)
Corynosoma australe and Bolbosoma vasculosum (Polymorphidae: Acanthocephala) from Arctocephalus pusillus pusillus (Otariidae) and Argyrosomus spp. (Sciaenidae) from the Namibian Coast of Africa
Morphological and molecular description of Rhadinorhynchus laterospinosus Amin, Heckmann & Ha, 2011 (Acanthocephala, Rhadinorhynchidae) from marine fish off the Pacific coast of Vietnam
Morphological variability in Acanthocephaloides irregularis Amin, Oğuz, Heckmann, Tepe & Kvach, 2011 (Acanthocephala: Arhythmacanthidae) from the European sea bass, Dicentrarchus labrax (L.) (Moronidae) in Bizerte Lagoon, Tunisia
Rhadinorhynchus oligospinosusn. sp. (Acanthocephala, Rhadinorhynchidae) from mackerels in the Pacific Ocean off Peru and related rhadinorhynchids in the Pacific, with notes on metal analysis
Neoandracantha peruensisn. gen. n. sp. (Acanthocephala, Polymorphidae) described from cystacanths infecting the ghost crabOcypode gaudichaudiion the Peruvian coast