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Epidemiological and clinical features of cutaneous leishmaniases in Jenin District, Palestine, including characterisation of the causative agents in clinical samples
Kifaya Azmi, Gabriele Schönian, Abedelmajeed Nasereddin, et al. Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 106(9) 554 (2012)
Canine Leishmania infantum enzymatic polymorphism: A review including 1023 strains of the Mediterranean area, with special reference to Algeria
Jorge Alvar, Carmen Cañavate, Ricardo Molina, Javier Moreno and Javier Nieto Advances in Parasitology, Advances in Parasitology Volume 57 57 1 (2004)
Leishmania tropica (Kinetoplastida: Trypanosomatidae) - a perplexing parasite
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S. Guerbouj, I. Guizani, S. De Doncker, J.C. Dujardin and N. Nuwayri-Salti Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 95(6) 687 (2001)
Genetic heterogeneity in the species Leishmania tropica revealed by different PCR-based methods
Gabriele Schönian, Lionel Schnur, Mustafa El Fari, et al. Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 95(2) 217 (2001)
Concomitant natural infection with L. donovani and L. major: A case report from Iraq
Lamya J. Al-Diwany, Naira A. Al-Awkati, M. Atia and Maysoon B. Rassam Sozial- und Pr�ventivmedizin SPM 40(4) 234 (1995)